We try our best to keep event details accurate and up-to-date, however please follow each events link for the most current and accurate information.
Details such as dates, times, and cost are subject to change.
If you see information that should be updated, or an event that should be featured, please email us at info@gosimcoe.ca
** Events categorized as “Free” indicates free to attend or free for specific age groups. Additional costs or purchases may be available or required.
Canadian Festival of Old Cars
Authentic, pre-1933 vehicles
Admission: Adult (21-64) $10.00, Seniors 65+) $8.00, Youth (12-20) $8.00, Child (4-11) $5.00, Preschool (0-3) Free
Canadian Festival of Old Cars
Authentic, pre-1933 vehicles
Admission: Adult (21-64) $10.00, Seniors 65+) $8.00, Youth (12-20) $8.00, Child (4-11) $5.00, Preschool (0-3) Free
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.
Living in the Past
Sundays in July and August
Living in the Past includes live demonstrations and hands-on activities
Blacksmiths, rope and candle making, weaving, rug hooking, spinning and embroidery
Cost: regular admission is just $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth and $4 for children. Preschoolers and members are free.